BMC also screwed up the transmission coupling to my shaft. The new coupling they installed when the fitted my dripless stuffing box didn't have set screws that correctly fit into the shaft. Because the only connection was the compression of the coupling's collar around the shaft, the shaft could in theory have slid right out of the back of the boat. Stupid and dangerous. The practical result was a lot of wiggle and wear between the shaft and the coupling and a ruined shaft. While my engine was pulled I had a new one installed. The picture above is the new shaft with my old propeller.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Prop(er) service.
Shane with my nicely lubed prop. The blade and the stock are numbered. The guys at BMC reassembled it incorrectly meaning that it was probably out of balance.
BMC also screwed up the transmission coupling to my shaft. The new coupling they installed when the fitted my dripless stuffing box didn't have set screws that correctly fit into the shaft. Because the only connection was the compression of the coupling's collar around the shaft, the shaft could in theory have slid right out of the back of the boat. Stupid and dangerous. The practical result was a lot of wiggle and wear between the shaft and the coupling and a ruined shaft. While my engine was pulled I had a new one installed. The picture above is the new shaft with my old propeller.
Here's also a picture of the zinc - its pretty much toast after 12 months in the water. Probably a sign that I should leave my shorepower unplugged and check over my electrical system.
BMC also screwed up the transmission coupling to my shaft. The new coupling they installed when the fitted my dripless stuffing box didn't have set screws that correctly fit into the shaft. Because the only connection was the compression of the coupling's collar around the shaft, the shaft could in theory have slid right out of the back of the boat. Stupid and dangerous. The practical result was a lot of wiggle and wear between the shaft and the coupling and a ruined shaft. While my engine was pulled I had a new one installed. The picture above is the new shaft with my old propeller.
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