Friday, July 30, 2010

Polishing the fuel

We sailed up to SF for the KABOOM fireworks and had the rail underwater while we fought a headwind. When we got back I found that the fuel-water separator had filled up with water - looks like water got in through the seal on the deckfill. I changed the seal but what to do about the water in the tank?
Here I rigged up a DC pump after the water separator and back to the tank. Leaving it to cycle for a hour let me get an extra few tablespoons of water out - no more water since then.

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lblanchette said...

just got a N 41. Unfortunately it's not quite ready to float and is in a yard in alameda for a month or so. This is a very early model with single speader and 48 ft mast.

I was hoping to get some exchange going with you regarding boat resources, experience and maintenance. The worry for today is that the chainplates have been leaking and it looks like some knee/bulkhead damage. A few of the chainplate bolts are showing dark weeping that seems to indicate some rot.


Anonymous said...

Just bought a Newport 41 named Argo in Alameda and moved in to Seattle. Very much appreciate the information you posted on your blog.